★★★★★ | Keto Fried Mozzarella Cheese Roll-


You won't turn your nosê away at thêsê friêd mozzarêlla chêêsê roll-ups stuffêd with crispy bacon, pizza toppings or êvên sausagês and hotdogs. This is thê pêrfêct kêto snack and takês no timê at all to makê.

Author : Mr.CBB
Rêcipê typê : Kêto snack
Cuisinê : Low Carb Snack
Sêrvês : 2


1 to 2 tablêspoons of buttêr or bacon fat
10¼ inch rêctanglê slicês of Italian Mozzarêlla
4 slicês of crispy friêd bacon of choicê
2 boilêd, bakêd, friêd or grillêd hot-dogs or sausagês (you will sêê two variation photos of this rêcipê)


1. In a mêdium non-stick frying pan on dial 5 on thê cookêr add 1 to 2 tablêspoons of buttêr or bacon fat

2.  Gêntly lay 5 slicês of mozzarêlla chêêsê in a row. Thêy must bê touching êach othêr so thêy mêlt into onê.

3. Lêt thê chêêsê mêlt complêtêly and thên with your spatula start forming your rêctanglê by pushing thê chêêsê back into shapê.

4. ......

5. .............................

6. Full Instruction ==>  canadianbudgetbinder.com
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