★★★★★ | #How #To #Make #Kit #Kat #Brownie

 How To Make Kit Kat Brownie

#How #To #Make #Kit #Kat #Brownie
#Chocolate #Recipes

Ingredients : 

  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g caster sugar
  • 150 g light dark colored sugar
  • 150 g spread, softened
  • 225 g plain flour
  • 90 g cocoa powder
  • 150 g 70% dull chocolate, softened
  • 150 ml entire milk
  • 8 x 4 finger Kit Kat bars, 2 squashed, 6 remaining entirety
Directions :

  1. Oil and line a 20cm x 20cm brownie tin and preheat the stove to 180 C/160 C fan.
  2. Make the brownies: Whisk eggs into sugars until very much joined at that point include the dissolved margarine and mix to fuse. Include the flour and cocoa powder at that point mix through the dissolved chocolate. Next include your drain and blend through altogether until you have a smooth hitter.
  3. Empty portion of the blend into the readied tin and smooth with a palette blade at that point press the entire Kit Kats into the blend. Spread the staying half of hitter over the Kit Kats in the tin. Smooth the top and afterward sprinkle with the held Kit Kats and heat for 40 minutes or until cooked through and a stick embedded into the brownies tells the truth.
  4. Put aside to cool and afterward cut into squares.

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