#Christmas #Chocolate #Bark

 Christmas chocolate bark

#Christmas #chocolate #bark


For The Rudolph Bark

400 g (14oz) chopped dark chocolate pretzels, halved red M&M's flaked almonds
1 candy cane, crushed

For The Snowman Bark

400 (14oz) chopped white chocolate

White chocolate buttons

Pretzel sticks
Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, halved


  1. Line two 20.5cm (8-inch) brownie tins with baking parchment. For the rudolph bark: Melt the chopped dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. While the chocolate is melting, prepare the decorations.
  2. Use halved pretzel knots to create antlers, red m&m’s for the/his nose, and flaked almonds dotted with a little melted chocolate for the eyes. Once melted and smooth, and pour the chocolate into the prepared tin – allow to stand for a few minutes until beginning to set, this will make it easier to decorate.
  3. Work swiftly to decorate, making Rudolph faces. Finally Sprinkle over 1 crushed candy cane, and chill for 2hr until set. Chop around the Rudolph faces with a sharp knife to create shards.
  4. For the snowman bark: Melt the chopped white chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. While the chocolate is melting, prepare the decorations. Use white chocolate buttons for the snowman’s body, pretzel sticks for the arms, halved Mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for the hat, and sprinkles for the eyes and nose.
  5. Once the chocolate is melted and smooth, pour it into the prepared tin. Allow to stand for a few min until beginning to set – this will make it easier to decorate. Work swiftly to decorate, making snowmen as shown.
  6. Dust with edible glitter, or confetti sprinkles, then chill for 2hr until set. Cut around the snowmen with a sharp knife to create shards.
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