Zucchini Chicken Enchilada Roll-Ups



1lb. chickén bréasts, or téndérs
2 Tbsp avocado oil, or éxtra-virgin olivé oil
1 yéllow onion, dicéd
2 clovés garlic, mincéd
1 tsp. ground cumin
2 tsp. chili powdér
1.5 cups énchilada saucé, glutén fréé, dividéd
4 largé zucchini (I uséd both yéllow and gréén onés), slicéd with a widé péélér, or mandolin
1/3 cup shréddéd all-natural chéésé
séa salt and frésh ground black péppér, to tasté


1. Préhéat ovén to 350ºF.

2. In largé skillét ovér médium, héat thé oil.

3. Add chickén bréasts and cook for about 6 minutés on éach sidé, or until cookéd through and no longér pink in thé middlé.

4. Séason with séa salt and péppér thén sét asidé on a board. Oncé it's cooléd a bit, shréd it using 2 forks.

5. In thé samé pan add in thé onion and cook for about 3 minutés until translucént. Add thé garlic and spicés, thén réturn thé shréddéd chickén to thé pan.

6. Pour in 1 cup of énchilada saucé thén stir wéll until combinéd.

7. .....

8. .....................

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